- B.A. (Science), Tokyo University of Science Ph.D. in Applied Particle Beam Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University
- 4D Sensor Inc. President & CEO
Responsible Subject
- Qualitative Data: Analysis and Transformation
Field of Specialization
- Image processing Image measurement
Business Performance
- Encouragement Award, FC2.Inc.
- Sponsor's Award, OPT Inc.
- Encouragement Award, Himeji Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Technical Award, The Japan Society of Experimental Mechanics
- Technology Scholarship, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
- Excellence Award, 21st KSP Business Innovation School
- Japan Association for Archeoinformatics Kanda Award, Japan Association for Archeoinformatics
- Excellence Award for "Community Development", The Senshu Ikeda Bank, Ltd.
- Grand Prize, 3rd Tech Plan Grand Prix, Leave a Nest Co.
- OMRON Prize, 3rd Tech Plan Grand Prix, OMRON Ventures, Co.
- Growth Award, Real Tech Venture of the Year 2016, Leave a Nest Co.
- Wakayama Prefecture Certified Founder Certification No. 009
- Wakayama Prefecture Invention Award
and many others
Academic papers, International Conference Papers, etc.
- A. Masatani, A. Minato, and T. Ozawa, A Proposal for Storage Method of Visual Inspection Images of Printed Circuit Boards Using Video Format, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Packaging, Vol.12, No.1, p.46-52, 2009
- Akihiro Masatani, Motoharu Fujigaki, Yoshiharu Morimoto, and Ryosuke Murakami, Development of Memory Board for 3D Shape Measurement Using Full Space Tabling Method, Experimental Mechanics, Vol.10, No.3, p.333-339, 2010.9
- A. Masatani, M. Fujigaki, Y. Morimoto, and R. Murakami, A Study on Measurement Accuracy in Shape Measurement Using Full-Space Tabling Method by Defocus Projection of Rectangular Grid, Journal of Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.77, No.12, p.1151-1157, 2011
- Masaya, A., Fujigaki, M.,Matsumoto, S. and Morimoto, Y., Shape Measurement for BGA Using Whole-space Tabulation Method with FPGA Memory Board, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol.50, No.4, p.580-585, 2012.
- Masaya, A., Murakami, R., Fujigaki, M., Morimoto, Y., High-accuracy Shape Measurement by Whole-space Tabulation Board Applied to Electronic Packaging, SICE 2010, 1717 - 1721, 18-21, 2010.8
- Yoshiharu Morimoto, Akihiro Masatani, Satoshi Takagi, Light Source Switching Phase Shift Shadow Moiré Method, Journal of The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 82, No. 2, 2016
- Masaya, A., Minato, A. and Ozawa, S., Printed circuit diagnosis by image processing, The 2nd International Student Conference At Ibaraki University, Vol.2, 208-211, 2006.10
- Masaya, A., Fujigaki, M., Murakami, R., Morimoto, Y., High-accuracy and Real-time Shape Measurement Using Whole-space Tabulation Board, 4th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2009.11
- Masaya, A., Fujigaki, M., and Morimoto, Y., Real-Time Shape Measurement by Grating Projection Method Applied to Electronic Packaging, International Conference on Advanced Phase Measurement Methods in Optics and Imaging, 401-408, 2010
and 33 other non-authored papers