For a long time, I have made a living painting various genres.Anime, manga, illustrations, games...each painting has its own way of presenting itself.In my lectures, I will treat and analyze the enjoyment and fun as information.
I provide the information as the person drawing. While taking in the information, you are expected to provide information on what you find interesting about the work and how it has influenced you.It doesn't matter if you can draw or not.Rather, we welcome those who can't draw.We offer a “text-based character design” course, which is not offered in any other animation course at any other school.
It is no exaggeration to say that character design is the “flower of each genre.
Those who can draw tend to draw the same kind of characters that they are accustomed to drawing.This “text-based character design” is a perfect way to break apart that pattern.That's where the true essence of character design really shines.
But, even though I can't draw, I want to participate in the designing.What should you do in such a situation?The answer is simple.You just have to ask someone who can draw to draw it.In order to work as a team, it is necessary to communicate and share information well in writing.Why not try digging deeper into the "information" that you put into your character?