Courses are available not only in Japanese but also in English
Our College hosts exchange students from many different countries, and we offer numerous courses in English, making for an easy learning experience for exchange students. We welcome many top-rated faculties from overseas, and they form the basis for the expansion of IT business to the global stage. You may even meet someone from overseas here that could be a potential business partner in the future.
- 日本語PDF
- English(英語)PDF
- 简体字(中国語)PDF
- Việt(ベトナム語)PDF
- Indonesia(インドネシア語)PDF
- ภาษาไทย(タイ語)PDF
- Монгол улсын(モンゴル語)PDF
- русский(ロシア語)PDF
- नेपाली(ネパール語)PDF
- 한국어(韓国語)PDF
- မြန်မာ(ミャンマー語)PDF
- Melayu(マレーシア語)PDF
- 繁體字(中国語)PDF
- Français(フランス語)PDF
- Español(スペイン語)PDF
- Italiano(イタリア語)PDF
- Deutsch(ドイツ語)PDF
- Português(ポルトガル語)PDF
- Kiswahili(スワヒリ語)PDF
- සිංහල(シンハラ語)PDF
- தமிழ் மொழி(タミル語)PDF
Student Admissions