The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) and Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) have signed an agreement with Kyoto Prefectural Police to cultivate excellent human resources who can deal with cyberspace threats.The signing ceremony was held on May 31 at KCG Kyoto Ekimae Campus, with KCG Group President Wataru Hasegawa and KCG Chairman Akira Hasegawa in attendance, and Kyoto Prefectural Police Chief Hiroshi Ishimaru in attendance to sign the agreement.The prefectural police established a system two years ago to train cyber special agents to accurately deal with cyber crimes that abuse communication technology, and training for the second term began this spring. Based on this agreement, basic IT (ICT) classes at KCGI and KCG will be included in the training curriculum.The prefectural police said that by having trainees learn basic IT (ICT) knowledge and skills from an early stage, they will be able to effectively develop human resources to deal with threats in cyberspace.
In addition, as part of mutual exchange, there are plans for KCGI/KCG students to observe and experience police work, and for police officers working on the front lines to hold classes at KCGI/KCG as instructors.The signing ceremony was covered by NHK, KBS, and the Kyoto Shimbun newspaper, indicating a high level of public interest in the issue of cyberspace security.