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- 2024.05.28Management and Operator of the French Country Top Level Domain ".fr" to KCGI Tokyo Satellite
- 2024.05.23Intensive courses for Kyoto Prefectural Police Cyber Investigators are being offered again in FY2024.
- 2024.05.21Domain Business Study Group to meet online June 7
- 2024.05.20KCGI Professor Tateishi and others participate in a conference on Internet Governance in Brazil
- 2024.04.30KCGI President Emeritus Toshihide Ibaraki was awarded "The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Rosette".
- 2024.04.26KCGI Professor Tateishi speaks at a conference exploring net neutrality in Brazil on the 28th.
- 2024.04.26KCG Group celebrates its 61st anniversary!