

Amit Pariyar


  • (タイ王国)アジア工科大学院,Department of Computer Science and Information Management,Master of Engineering,京都大学大学院情報学研究科博士後期課程修了,博士(情報学)
  • マレーシア・サラワク大学,Institute of Social Informatics and Technological Innovations(ISITI),Researcher


私たちが今日生きている世界は,技術の急速な進歩によって絶えず変化しています。何十年も前には,多大な労力を要していた作業が,今ではオンラインで簡単に検索することができます。情報量は人間の処理能力を超えており,私たちは,機械の計算能力,高度なアルゴリズムにますます依存して物事を決定しています。携帯電話のネットワーク技術の進歩で,問題なく通信ができるようになりました。「情報革命」 「壁を越えたコミュニケーション」 「技術の変化」 という3つのトレンドがあります。シンプルに言い換えると,私たちが目にしているICTです。京都情報大学院大学で提供している最先端の講義の探求へ,あなたが参加されることをお待ちしています。


  • eコマースの諸手法
  • プロジェクトマネジメント
  • インターネットビジネスストラテジーとマーケティング
  • グローバル・アントレプレナーシップとビジネスモデル


  • Knowledge Management
  • ICT4D
  • Social Informatics



  • Consistency Management in Parallel Multilingual Document, Information Processing Society Japan (IPSJ), Tohoku University, Japan. March 2013
  • Tracking Inconsistencies in Parallel Multilingual Document, In Proceedings of International Conference on Culture and Computing, IEEE, Kyoto, Japan. September 2013
  • Content Sharing in Global Organization: A Cross-Country Perspective, In Proceedings of SocialInformatics Conference, ASE, Cambridge, Harvard University USA. December 2014
  • Content Sharing in Global Brand from Geographic Perspective, In Proceedings of International Conference on Culture and Computing, IEEE, Kyoto, Japan. October 2015
  • Inconsistency Detection in Multilingual Knowledge Sharing, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM). December 2014
  • Information Sharing among Countries: A Perspective from Country-Specific Websites in Global Brands, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM). June 2016
  • Assessing the Potential for Using Crowdsensing to Improve Community Resilience to Climate Change. 8th International Conference for Prospective Leaders in Climate Protection and climate-related Resource Conservation. (Poster and Abstract Book) September 2017, Bonn, Germany
  • Using Crowdsensing to Improve Community Resilience to Climate Change. 6th eBorneo Knowledge Fair. (Abstract Book) October 2017, Bakelalan, Malaysia
  • Understanding Gender Differentiated Impacts of Climate Change in a Social Media Discourse. (Poster) Honorable Mention at the Data for Climate Action Challenge. November 2017, Bonn, Germany
  • Consistency Analysis in Multi-Language Knowledge Sharing System. In Service Computing for Language Resources (pp141-156). Springer. 2018
  • Contextualizing Learning for Rural Communities Using Library-in-a-Box: Experience from Long Lamai. In Proceedings of InTEX18 Conference May 2018, Kuching, Malaysia
  • Community Engagement to Gender Differentiated Impacts of Climate Change in a Digital Economy. In Proceedings of InTEX18 Conference May 2018. Kuching, Malaysia
  • Modelling Telecentre as Community Learning Centre for Youths using TRIZ. In MyTRIZ Conference Proceedings 2018. Selangor, Malaysia
  • Contextualizing Learning for Rural Communities Using Library-in-a-Box: Experience from Penan Communities. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), June 2019
  • Community Engagement to Gender Differentiated Impacts of Climate Change in Social Media. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), June 2019


  • Austrian Development Scholarship (ADS), for pursuing Master. 2007-2009
  • Japanese Government Mongbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship for pursing PhD. 2011-2015
  • Nepal Bidhya Bhusan Class ‘A’ Medal, state honor for academic excellence in Nepal. 2016
  • Honorable Mention, Data for Climate Action Challenge (D4CA) Bonn, Germany. 2017

Invited Talk

  • Research Stay at Capacity Lab, University of Bremen, Germany. April 9 -16, 2016