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Shinji Tomita

Shinji Tomita


  • Bachelor of Engineering, Doctor of Engineering, Kyoto University (with major in electrical engineering)
  • Professor of Engineering, Kyoto University, Former Dean of Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University Former Director, General Media Center, Kyoto University, Former Professor, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University, Former Professor, Kyushu University, Former Adviser, Harbin Institute of Technology
  • He served as a member of the Multidisciplinary Program Committee for Leading Education in Doctoral Programs (Information), a member of the IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) TC 10, a director of the Information Processing Society of Japan, the Kansai Branch Director of the Information Processing Society, a visiting research director of the Kyoto Institute of Advanced Technology, a member of the IT Advisory Board of Kyoto Prefecture, an expert committee of the Council for Science and Technology Policy, a member of the "Exascale Supercomputer Development Project" Evaluation and Review Committee, and a chairman of the Advisory Committee for Information Policy of Kyoto Prefecture, a fellow of the IEICE and Information Processing Society.


With a spirit of pioneering new applications of ultrafast computers

It has been 76 years since Neumann proposed the Stored Program method, the prototype of today's computers, in 1945.Since I was born in 1945 as well, I have been living with computers. My ability has been slow since I was born, but the progress of computers is remarkable. In particular, around 1970, many new technologies were put into practical use, such as out-of-order and cache memory systems, which were the prototype of the present microprocessor, operating system UNIX, structured programming, ARPANET, 1-kbit DRAM, 4-bit microprocessor Intel 4004, and shared memory parallel computer C.mmp. My late 20s was just around this time, and whatever I did, I enjoyed my research very much.

Since the 1970s, processor, memory, hard disk, communication, and sensor technologies have been integrated and developed. Without any of them, today's computers would not have spread. Today's fastest computer (TOP500 supercomputer ranking for November 2020) is Japan's Fugaku, and the computer's computing performance is approaching 1018 (exa) times per second.

I hope that young people will make the best use of computers as a comprehensive scientific technology for new applied fields such as artificial intelligence, and also explore new application fields to truly contribute to the happiness of mankind. For this purpose, it is important to have fun and learn a wide range of fields, including humanities and social sciences, while young.

Responsible Subject

  • Computer Organization Theory
  • Cutting Edge of Applied Informatics
  • Honors Master Thesis

Field of Specialization

  • Computer Architecture
  • Applications of Parallel Computers
  • Ultrafast Graphics System

Business Performance


  • Hiroshi Hagiwara, eds.: "information engineering hardware experiment", Aum, 1983
  • Shinji TOMITA: "parallel computer theory", Shokodo, 1986
  • Shinji Tomita, Kazuaki Murakami: "computer system engineering", Shokodo, 1988
  • TOMITA Shinji, SUEYOSHI Toshinori: "parallel processing machine", Aum, 1989
  • Shinji Tomita, Kazuaki Murakami, Haruo Nijitsu: "Computer Architecture (Original by Hennessy and Patterson)", Translation, Nikkei BP, Inc., 1992
  • Shinji TOMITA: "Computer Architecture I", Maruzen, 1994
  • Shinji TOMITA, Hiroshi NAKAJIMA: "computer hardware", Shokodo, 1995
  • Masaharu TOMITA: "parallel computer engineering", Shokodo, 1996
  • Shinji Tomita: "computer architecture" Maruzen, 2000
  • "Information society and computers" by Shinji Tomita and Yasuo Fujii, Shokodo, 2005
  • TOMITA Shinji, et al.: "Regional Industrial Theory: Contribution to Regional Vitalization", Matsue National College of Technology, 2006


  • T.Sakai, K.Ohtani, S.Tomita: On-Line, Real-Time, Multiple-Speech Output System, Proc. of IFIP Congress'72,pp.686-690, 1972
  • S.Tomita, K.Shibayama, S.Oyanagi, H.Hagiwara: Hardware Organization of a Low Level Parallel Processor, Proc. of IFIP Congress'77,pp.855-860, 1977
  • Shigeru Koyanagi, Kiyoshi Shibayama, Shinji Tomita, Hiroshi Hagiwara: Hardware Configuration of Microprogram Control Computer QA -1, IEICE Journal (D), 61 - D, Vol. 1, pp. 64 -71, 1978
  • H. Hagiwara, S. Tomita, S. Oyanagi, K. Shibayama: A Dynamically Microprogrammable Computer with Low-Level Parallelism, IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol. C -29, No. 7, pp. 577 -595, 1980
  • S.Tomita, K.Shibayama, T.Kitamura, H.Hagiwara: Performance Evaluation and Improvement of a Dynamically Microprogrammable Computer with Low-Level Parallelism, Proc. of the 13th Microprogramming Workshop, ACM, pp.79-89, 1980
  • S.Tomita, K.Shibayama, T.Kitamura, T.Nakata, H.Hagiwara: A User Microprogrammable, Local Host Computer with Low-Level Parallelism, Proc. of the 10th Int. Symposium on Computer Architecture, ACM, pp. 151 -157, 1983
  • H.Niimi, Y.Imai, M.Murakami, S.Tomita, H.Hagiwara: A Parallel Processor System for Three-Dimensional Color Graphics, Proc. of SIGGRAPH'84, ACM, pp.67-76, 1984
  • Toshiaki Kitamura, Toshiyuki Nakata, Kiyoshi Shibayama, Shinji Tomita, Hiroshi Hagiwara: Low-level Parallel Processing System for Universal Host Computer QA -2, Information Processing Society of Japan Journal, 27 volumes, 4, pp. 445 -453 (Best Paper Award), 1986
  • Morihiro Koga, Naohiko Irie, Tetsuo Hironaka, Kazuaki Murakami, Shinji Tomita: 'new wind' Processor Low-Level Parallelism Algorithm Based on SIMP (Single/Multiple instruction pipeline) Method, Journal of the Japan Society for Information Processing, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp. 1603 -1611 (Best Paper Award), 1989
  • Yuji TSUSHIMA, Eiya AKASHI, Kito KANE, Shinichiro MORI, Hiroshi NAKAJIMA, Shinji TOMITA: Architecture of ReVolver, Volume Rendering Dedicated Parallel Computer, Information Processing Society, Journal of Information-Technology Society, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 1709 -1718, 1995
  • Masahiro Goto, Kengo Nishino, Guenhaher, Ryokei Agata, Yasuhiko Nakajima, Shinichiro Mori, Toshiaki Kitamura, Shinji Tomita: A Fast Dynamic Instruction Scheduling Scheme for Superscalers, Information Processing Society Paper High Performance Computing System, Vol. 42, No. SIG9 (HPS3), pp. 77 -92 (Best Paper Award), 2001
  • Tomohisa Fukuyama, Masanori Fukuda, Shinobu Miwa, Masato Konishi, Masahiro Goto, Yasuhiko Nakajima, Shinichiro Mori, Shinji Tomita: instruction scheduling for power-saving architectures using slack prediction, Advanced Computational Infrastructure Systems Symposium SACSIS 2005, pp. 123 -132, 2005
  • OGATA Kosuke, Yao Shun, SHIMADA So, MIWA Shinobu, TOMITA Shinji: Dynamic Instruction Scheduler for ALU Cascading, Information-Technology Society, Advanced Computing Platform Symposium SACSIS 2008, pp. 105 -1022, 2008


  • Received the Information Processing Society of Japan Paper Award in May 1987
  • Received the Information Processing Society of Japan Paper Award in May 1992
  • October 2000 - Fellow, IEICE
  • March 2002 - Fellow, Information Processing Society of Japan
  • Received the Information Processing Society of Japan Paper Award in May 2002
  • Received the Information Processing Society of Japan Merit Award in May 2007.
  • March 2014 - Accredited and commended as the Kyoto University QA -1 Information Processing Society "information processing technology heritage"