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Hirohito Chiba

Hirohito Chiba


  • Bachelor of Engineering, Hokkaido Institute of Technology
  • After working as a programmer in a company, he founded Tokugawa Systems Co., Ltd. in 1988.President and Chief Executive Officer
  • Director of KCG Museum, Executive Officer of the Information and Media Division of the Sapporo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mutually Elected Member of the Hokkaido Computer-Related Industry Health Insurance Association, Former Representative of Star Trek Network Japan


There are many creators who create content all over the world.I think that it is important to create products by putting the content created by such creators on the media.I have been working on this for a long time.

Media is constantly changing. For example, videotape was replaced by DVD, then by Blu-ray and streaming. The later media have better picture quality and sound quality, and are more convenient. However, content is a little different, and something that is made later is not necessarily of good quality.

I have been involved for a long time with the series "Star Trek," which started as an American TV program, and this work was first broadcast on TV in 1966. In other words, it is a work that is more than half a century old. The story is a science fiction work set in the future of the 23rd and 24th centuries, where a spaceship explores the stars, but it is well-thought-out and even when you watch it now, you would never think it was made half a century ago.

It is still very popular, especially in the United States, and sequels are being made.Well-thought-out content does not become outdated even after a long time has passed, and continues to be loved for a long time.There are quite a few works like this.

If you are involved with content, please do not forget this perspective.

Responsible Subject

  • Digital Animation Production

Field of Specialization

  • Planning and production of products using content
  • History of computers (mainly personal computers)

Business Performance

Academic Paper

  • Application of the results of quantitative analysis of music to music search, Information-Technology Promotion Agency (IPA), 2002

Books (writing, translation, supervision)

  • Co-authored and supervised Star Trek Ultimate, Bunkasha Co., Ltd., 2001
  • Co-authored and supervised Star Trek The Next Generation Official Guidebook 1, Bunkasha Co., Ltd., 2002
  • Co-authored, co-translated and supervised Star Trek Fact File Vol. 1 to Vol. 314, DeAgostini Japan Co., Ltd., weekly, 2003 to 2009
  • Co-translated and supervised Star Trek Best Episode Collection Vol. 1 to Vol. 135, DeAgostini Japan Co., Ltd., biweekly, 2006 to 2011
  • Co-authored and supervised Disney Dream File Vol.1-Vol.111 DeAgostini Japan Co., Ltd. Weekly 2009-2011
  • Co-authored and supervised Star Trek Network Journal TO Entertainment Co., Ltd. 2013
  • Co-authored, co-translated and supervised Star Trek Starship Collection Vol.1-Vol.160 DeAgostini Japan Co., Ltd. Biweekly 2013-2020
  • Co-authored and co-supervised Personal Computer Natural History Kodansha 2013
  • Co-translated and supervised Star Trek Shipyard Vol.1 & Vol.2 Ash Creative November 2019
  • Co-translated and supervised Star Trek Enterprise-D Vol.1-Vol.6 DeAgostini Japan Co., Ltd. Biweekly 2021
  • Translated and supervised Star Trek Universe Starship Collection Vol.1 ~ DeAgostini Japan Co., Ltd. 2022

iPad app

  • Planning, specification design, co-translation, supervision Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive Technical Manual Data House Beagle 2013
  • Planning, specification design, dubbing translation supervision Star Trek: Klingon Data House Beagle 2013
  • Others

PC software

  • Co-translation, dubbing translation, dubbing supervision, supervision Star Trek: Dominion Wars DigiCube Co., Ltd. 2001
  • Co-translation, dubbing translation, dubbing supervision, supervision Star Trek: The Fallen DigiCube Co., Ltd. 2002
  • Others


  • Planning, specification design, dubbing translation, dubbing supervision, supervision Star Trek: The Borg Pioneer LDC Co., Ltd. 2000
  • Dubbing translation, dubbing director Biography Leonard Nimoy Pioneer LDC Corporation 2001
  • Others


  • Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive Technical Manual APPLE app store app ranking top paid app No. 1 October 23, 2013