A second-year student at The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics passed the “SAP Certified Solution Consultant Financials” exam by SAP Germany.It is said that this exam cannot be passed without specialized training from a vendor, but as a result of the education provided by a faculty member with extensive business experience from a company and a young faculty member with strong economic and IT backgrounds working in tandem, this was the first time a graduate student had passed the exam.
SAP is the world's most widely implemented ERP (enterprise resource management) software package.However, due in part to the complexity of the system, there are few engineers in Japan who are familiar with its use.In addition, engineers are required to have not only knowledge of ERP packages, but also business knowledge and consulting skills to coordinate between ERP packages and business operations, and it is said that training them is difficult.
Professor Harufumi Ueda and Associate Professor Kou Li, who supervised the project, stated, "We are very pleased with the results of this project.With the rapid development of the Internet society, the shortage of advanced IT engineers has become a major problem.In particular, the use of ERP is said to be effective in complying with the internal control report (JSOX Act: Japanese version of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) that will be mandatory for listed companies starting with the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009, but the shortage of ERP consultants is the most serious problem.Therefore, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics wants to quickly and quickly produce many ERP consultants with expertise in both IT and management. "
About Certified Consultants by SAP
SAP conducts various certification exams for SAP products and officially recognizes those who have passed the exams as consultants with knowledge of SAP systems.Having a certification proves that you have the knowledge and know-how of SAP products necessary to act as a member of an SAP product implementation project team.
(Adapted from SAP Japan K.K. website)