Kyoto International Manga/Anime Fair (KYOMAF) 2023, one of the largest manga/anime events in western Japan, will be held on September 16 (Sat.) and 17 (Sun.) at Kyoto Municipal Kangyo Kan (Miyako Messe), Rohm Theater Kyoto, Kyoto International Manga Museum, and other venues, jointly organized by Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) and Kyoto Computer Guraduate Institute of Information Science (KCGI).KCG Group will have a booth on the first floor of the Miyakomesse venue, where animator Akihiko Ota will be broadcasting live drawings via YouTube Live.The moderator/facilitator is Yuki Nagano, a voice actor.
At 10:40 a.m. on the 17th, KCG Group will sponsor "Talk by Yukari Fukui, Mitsuo Iwata, Yuko Miyamura, Yuki Nagano and reading by Hiroe Suga of "Freckled Figure" by GAINAX Kyoto Corporation, of which Professor Yasuhiro Takeda is the president, on the Miyakomesse Stage.
For more information about the KCG booth, click here.
Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair 2023 | Event Information | Kyoto Computer Gakuin
We look forward to seeing you all at the event!
- Event Name:
- Kyoto International Manga & Anime Fair (KIMAF) 2023
- Duration:
- Saturday, September 16, 2023 - Sunday, September 17, 2023 *Admission until 30 minutes before closing
- Venue:
- Miyako Messe / Rohm Theater Kyoto (main venue) 09:00-17:00 (until 16:00 on 17th)
- Kyoto International Manga Museum (Venue 2) 10:30-19:30
- Museum of Kyoto Traditional Industries (Satellite venue) 9:00-17:00 (until 16:00 on 17th)
- Umekoji Park (Kyoban Festival) 16th (Sat) Doors open 13:00 / Concert starts 14:00 / Concert finishes 18:45
- Sponsored by:
- Kyoto International Manga & Anime Fair Executive Committee, Kyoto City
- Co-sponsored by:
- KYOTO CMEX Executive Committee, Kyoto International Manga Museum, Kyoto Computer Gakuin and Kyoto Institute of Information Science
- Sponsorship:
- Cooperation:
- Traditional Industries Day Executive Committee, Kyoto Museum of Traditional Industries, Ani Love KYOTO Executive Committee
- KYOMAFU official website