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~The Kyoto Association of Information Technology (KACT) recommended it as appropriate because of its public interest and ICT expertise.

The Kyoto Association of Information Technology (KACT) recommended it as appropriate in terms of public interest and ICT expertise.

Based on the regional characteristics of Kyoto, the geographical name top-level domain is intended to promote the creation of a sense of unity among citizens by promoting the Kyoto brand and its presence both in Japan and overseas. .kyoto The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) applied to Kyoto Prefecture as a" Management Operator "on February 10, 2012.

The Kyoto Information Industry Association (KIA), an incorporated association approved by the Kyoto Prefectural Government, has established the "Dot Kyoto Steering Committee (Chairman: Kagoya Japan Co., Ltd.)" since the year before last to study the possibility of applying for the certification.As a result, the association has the following characteristics among its member organizations: - High public interest and high credibility (the association is a school corporation with a university approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).KCGI was determined to be an appropriate applicant because of the following points: (1) KCGI has the domain .edu, which is a federally accredited institution of higher education in the United States; and (2) KCGI has high expertise in ICT (Information and Communication Technology).The MMA has decided to endorse and sponsor the event.The program has received support from many organizations, including Doshisha University, neighboring universities, and the National Association of Regional Information Industry Associations (ANIA).

In response, KCGI has been making various preparations for application to Kyoto Prefecture.The widespread use of .kyotoby Kyoto Prefecture and other public corporations, local businesses, and educational institutions is expected to enhance the international visibility and brand power of Kyoto as a whole, thereby stimulating social and economic activities.If KCGI is endorsed by Kyoto Prefecture as the operator of the site, we will position the site as a "public service" jointly operated by industry, government, and academia, and will not only promote appropriate management and operation, but also actively work with related public organizations to build a portal and community site that only public organizations and public corporations that have obtained " .kyoto" can register and transmit information, promote collaboration among corporations, and conduct various related projects to contribute to tourism, film, animation and other content industries.

After the application has been reviewed by Kyoto Prefecture and a letter of support has been received, KCGI will apply to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) of the U.S., the global centralized authority for domain names, as a registry to manage the " .kyoto" domain name and accept applications for registration within fiscal 2011.After that, we plan to build a server, establish an operational structure such as domain sales and management, and plan specific events.

.kyoto Facebook page is here.

















