As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues two years later, Professor Victoria Migdaliska and her son, Professor Vladimir Migdalisky (both from Ukraine) of the The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI), gave a lecture on March 14, 2024, at the "Peace Memorial Lecture" held in Kumiyama, Kyoto, titled "Ukraine: Over Two Years after the War..." They spoke about Ukraine's geography and history, and the causes of the current endless war.
In his lecture, in front of about 80 participants, Prof. Migdaliska first talked about the geography and history of Ukraine, and then Prof. Migdalisky talked about the 32-year history of diplomacy between Ukraine and Japan, Japanese language education in Ukraine, private exchange and private diplomacy, and explained the current situation in Ukraine. The participants asked questions about challenges to a ceasefire in the Ukrainian war and historical questions, and both professors explained international relations, Ukraine's position, and Ukrainian identity based on history and the current situation.
Prof. Migdalisky has been in Japan for more than 24 years, and Prof. Migdaliska is coming to Japan in April 2022 as a displaced Ukrainian citizen.