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Nitza Melas show on January 22, open to the public.

The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics and Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG Group) are the main vocalists of the entertainment group “Cirque du Soleil” at the Kyoto University of Information and Sciences Kyoto Hall in front of the satellite at The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics on Friday, January 22, 2016. And the “MUΣA Live Show” will be held by Mr. Nizza Melas, Professor of Kyoto University of Information Sciences.The public is welcome to view the exhibition free of charge.

They will sing songs from the CD album "MUΣA" produced to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Kyoto Computer Gakuin (2013).Under the overall direction of Kirill Kosik, who has worked on VFX for numerous Hollywood movies, the latest information and communication technology (ICT) will be used to create a real-time interactive production with 3DCG images and three-dimensional sound.

This show is the result of the KCG Group's project-oriented, practical lectures on the theme of "Performing Arts IT.Students play an active role in various aspects of the production, from planning to CG and various video production, prop creation, and even acting, to create the stage.The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics has been working on practical application of ICT since its opening in 2004.We invite you to experience a show that applies the latest ICT.

In 2013, Kyoto Computer Graduate Institute (KCG) and The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) celebrated their 50th and 10th anniversaries, respectively, and held a grand anniversary ceremony at Kyoto International Conference Hall on June 1.Ms. Nizza opened the ceremony and sang at the post-ceremony celebration.

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The application will be closed as soon as it reaches the maximum number of participants.

Nitza Melas

A singer-songwriter born in Montreal, Canada, who has fascinated audiences all over the world with his multilingual skills. She is one of the three main vocalists of "Cirque du Soleil" an entertainment group that performs circuses and musicals in various countries. Among them, she was the only one whose lyrics and music were chosen for the Cirque du Soleil show, and she can be said to be the de facto top singer in the group. She does not belong to any record company label, and performs songs and songwriting and also does graphic design, promotion, and sales. He has been a professor at the University since 2013.

















