The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) and Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) will be exhibiting at e-Learning World 2008 this year. We look forward to seeing many of you there.Alumni of the University are also welcome to attend.
A reception for alumni (KCGI/KCG alumni, students, faculty, and staff) will be held on Thursday, July 31, near Oimachi Station.Alumni are cordially invited to attend.
e-Learning World 2008
- Name
- e-Learning WORLD 2008
- Meeting Period
- July 30 (Wed.), 31 (Thu.) and August 1 (Fri.), 2008
- 10:00-17:00
- Venue
- Tokyo Big Sight, West Hall 4 and Conference Tower
- Hosted by
- e-Learning WORLD 2008 Executive Committee
- Fuji Sankei Business i
- (C.N.T. Co.
- Support
- Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (formerly Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications)
- Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
- National Federation of Prefectural Boards of Education
- The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- (Japan Business Federation
- Sankei newspaper company
- special cooperation
- Japan E-Learning Consortium, a non-profit organization
- Japan Society for Knowledge Management
- Co-operation
- ASTD Global Network Japan
- (Learning Software Information Research Center
- Japan Society for Information and Systems in Education
- (Center for Computer Education and Development
- (Talent Development and Education Research Foundation
- (Association for Information Education at Private Colleges and Universities
- Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
- National Federation of Educational Research Institutes of Japan
- Japan e-Learning Association, a non-profit organization
- Japan Society for Educational Technology
- Japan Society for Educational Technology
- (Japan Society for the Promotion of Educational Technology
- Japan Computer System Dealers Association
- (Japan Audio Visual Education Association
- Japan Society for Information Science Education
- Japan Council for Information Education Development
- Center for Media Education and Development, Independent Administrative Institution
- admission fee
- Admission 1,000 yen (admission free for invitation ticket holders and pre-registered attendees)
- *KCGI and KCG alumni will receive a free admission invitation.Please include your name, address, telephone number, and year of with your name, address, telephone number, and year of graduation.
The University's Exhibits
Introducing the implementation status of e-learning at the KCG Group (The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, Kyoto Computer Gakuin).All course offerings are registered in the CMS, which manages course content, sets assignments, submits and grades reports, and conducts discussions.
Kyoto University of Information Science and Technology is constructing a cyber campus (adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in 2006), and will introduce examples such as construction of a copyright management system, mobile learning prototype experiments, construction of application servers such as Scilab, and mathematical formula communication system using MathML.
- Alumni Reception
- Date: Thursday, July 31, 18:00 - 20:00
- Location: Near Oimachi Station
- Registration/Inquiries: If you wish to attend the Alumni Reception, please send us an e-mail with your name, telephone number, and graduation year.Details will be provided.
- Email: