The Kyoto International Manga/Anime Fair 2012 (KIMAF), a manga and anime festival sponsored by KCGI and KCG, opened on Friday, March 21 at the Kyoto Municipal Industrial Exhibition Hall (Miyako Messe) in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City.KYOMAFU is the largest manga/anime trade fair in western Japan, organized by Kyoto City and others and supported by KCGI and KCG.Publishers, animation production companies, video makers, and broadcasting stations will exhibit their works, and a variety of stage events will be held.KCGI and KCG will exhibit student works and introduce KCGI's lectures for animation.
In addition, the Kyoto International Manga Museum, located in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, will hold a special exhibition "GAINAX-style Animation Method: A crowd of people creates animation" by GAINAX, a production company for which Professor Yasuhiro Takeda, KCGI Director and General Manager of the Animation Production Division, serves as a project of Kyoto Mafu!~(Period: September 22 (Sat., holiday) to December 24 (Mon., holiday)) will be held.The opening event on the 22nd will be a talk session entitled "Talking about the GAINAX way of making animation," in which Professor Takeda will participate.
KYOMAFU will be open until Sunday, the 23rd.If you are a fan of manga and anime, why not visit?
Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair 2012