The Cyber Kyoto Laboratory (CKL) of Kyoto Computer Guraduate Institute of Information Science (KCGI), the sole registry for the geographical name top-level domain ".kyoto" supported by Kyoto Prefecture, will hold a domain business workshop on Friday, June 7, 2024.The purpose of the workshop is to learn about trends in international discussions on Internet governance and registry policies in other countries, and to explore suggestions for the creation of new businesses utilizing ".kyoto" and the development of Kyoto society.The monthly online meeting is open to everyone, including companies and academics in Kyoto Prefecture.
At the first Domain Business Study Group meeting of this year, we will report on our participation in NETMundial+10, which took place in Brazil in April.NETMundial+10 is a conference organized by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee to discuss Internet governance, and CKL's Prof. Tateishi Toshiaki (Vice Chairman and Executive Director, Japan Internet Providers Association) and KCGI Assistant Prof. Tanaka Keiko participated.The country and committee are enthusiastic about fostering young human resources in Internet governance, and educational and research institutions in the region are focusing on various research and information dissemination efforts.
If you wish to attend, please register using the form below.
FY2024 First Domain Business Study Group
- Date and Time
- Friday, June 7, 2024, 14:00-15:00
- form (something takes)
- Online by Zoom meeting
- theme
- Report on participation in NETMundial+10
- speaker
- Prof. Satoshiaki Tateishi, Assistant Prof. Keiko Tanaka (The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics)
- Qualified candidates
- Everyone is welcome to attend.
- entrance fee
- free
- Application
- Registration form:
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