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Ceremony, Lecture, and Celebration to Commemorate KCG's 50th Anniversary and KCGI's 10th Anniversary to be held on June 1

The 50th anniversary of Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) and the 10th anniversary of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) were celebrated on June 1, 2013 at the Kyoto International Conference Hall in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto.About 2,000 people from Japan and abroad, including industry, government, academia, alumni, and current students, filled the venue.We looked back at the progress of the KCG Group over the past half century and renewed our determination to be at the forefront of IT education even more than before for the next 50 years.

The commemorative ceremony opened with the song "We're Not Alone/Jupiter" by world music singer-songwriter Nitza Melas and a video reviewing the 50 years of history.Wataru Hasegawa, President of KCGI and KCG General Director, then delivered the ceremonial address.After tracing the history of the KCG Group to date, the President introduced the KCG Group's future initiatives, including the ".kyoto" (dot-Kyoto) top-level geographical domain name, which will be administered by the University next year, and thanked all those who attended the meeting for their support over the past 50 years.

祝辞は,KCGI設立発起人で株式会社堀場製作所最高顧問の堀場雅夫様を皮切りに,本学が 海外コンピュータ教育支援活動(IDCE)で パソコン寄贈,IT教育支援を実施した3カ国の,ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ特命全権大使のペロ・マティッチ閣下,キルギス共和国特命全権大使のリスベク・モルドガジエフ閣下,パプアニューギニア独立国特命全権大使のガブリエル・ジョン・クレロ・ドゥサバ閣下,続いて京都府副知事の山下晃正様,京都市長の門川大作様,本学と関係が深い韓国・大統領直属情報保護委員会コミッショナーで韓国CSO協会会長の李弘燮様,京都大学総長の松本紘様,ロチェスター工科大学プロボスト(筆頭副学長・副総長)のジェレミー・ヘフナー様,天津科技大学副学長(学長代理)の張愛華様よりいただきました。Video messages from H.E. Mr. Belmiro José Marathe, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Mozambique, and Mr. William Destler, President of Rochester Institute of Technology, who were unable to attend due to other duties, were also shown.

In the commemorative lecture, Prof. Norihiko Mino, Director of Kyoto University's Information Environment Organization and Professor of the Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, spoke on the topic of "Creating 'Kyoto' in the Cyber Physical World - Proposals for utilizing the top-level domain .kyoto (dot-kyoto)".Dr. Mino introduced the great potential of ".kyoto" to improve the international recognition and brand power of Kyoto as a whole and to create new businesses, and emphasized the need for industry, government, and academia to work together to develop this domain to a large extent.

The celebration began with an address by Yasuko Hasegawa, Founder and Dean of Kyoto Computer Gakuin, followed by a congratulatory address by Hidefumi Koide, Secretary General of the Japan Association of Private Universities, and a toast by Makoto Nagao, former President of Kyoto University and former Director of the National Diet Library.Attendees enjoyed a pleasant chat over food and drink.There was also a live performance of "Kimi ni Sen" and "Gion Kouta" by Kyoto's maiko and geiko, and a live performance by Nizza Melas.Toshihide Ibaraki, President of KCGI, gave the closing remarks.

Thank you very much for your attendance.

50th Anniversary Celebration

Nitza Melas ( )

A singer-songwriter born in Montreal, Canada, who has fascinated audiences all over the world with his multilingual skills. She is one of the three main vocalists of "Cirque du Soleil" an entertainment group that performs circuses and musicals in various countries. Among them, she was the only one whose lyrics and music were chosen for the Cirque du Soleil show, and she can be said to be the de facto top singer in the group. She does not belong to any record company label, and performs songs and songwriting and also does graphic design, promotion, and sales. Since 2013 she has been a professor at Kyoto Computer Gakuin and The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics.

















