The KCG Group, centered on Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG), Kyoto College of Information Technology (KCGI), and Kyoto College of Global Motor Vehicles (KCGM), will deliver a commemorative lecture online on Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 14:00 to coincide with the "Digital Day" established in 2021.Hiroto Chiba, Professor at Kyoto Institute of Information Science and Director of KCG Museum, who specializes in the history of computers, will discuss the development of science and technology, including digital devices, from the perspective of comparing past science fiction and the reality of 2022, under the title "Future Technology of Science Fiction and DX".Professor Chiba is an expert on Star Trek, having translated and supervised the translation of books on the popular science fiction series "Star Trek," which was first broadcast on TV in 1966 and is still being produced as a new movie series, as well as managing the official Japanese language page.Of the futuristic technologies that appeared in Star Trek, "communication devices" like smartphones and tablet-like "data terminals" have mostly been realized, but will "transporters" for objects and people and "warp engines" for super-lightspeed navigation ever actually come into being?In the lecture, the difference between science fiction and reality will be explained with images to arouse interest in IT and science technology.
Digital Day was established in 2021, when the Digital Agency was launched, as an opportunity for society as a whole to regularly reflect on, experience, and review digital technology in order to realize a "people-friendly digitalization that leaves no one behind.In 2022, we will be holding the "Let's touch!#Under the theme "The Power of Digital," October 2 and 3 are designated as "Digital Days" and October as "Digital Month.
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