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KCGI Associate Professor Keiji Emi presented at the eLearning Awards 2017 Forum

Venue of the eLearning Awards 2017 Forum presented by KCGI Associate Professor Keiji Emi
Venue of the eLearning Awards 2017 Forum presented by KCGI Associate Professor Keiji Emi

Associate Professor Koji Emi of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) was jointly developed by the e-Learning Award 2017 Forum, and KCGI and Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) jointly developed with Maxell Corporation and the Vegetable Planet Association Announced “Desktop Projection Type Electronic Blackboard System”.The desk-top projection type electronic blackboard system is a piece of equipment for e-learning, etc. that projects images on a desk and shares the images with multiple locations via the Internet, enabling smooth communication through images even in remote locations.The desk-top model allows learners to discuss face to face with each other, and learners can write directly on the desk-top image by hand, which is instantly shared with learners at the remote location, allowing them to learn without any discomfort even when they are far apart.In addition to the playback of video, text, and other content, the progress of the video on the desk is stored in the cloud, making it possible to check the progress of the class at a later date.

In his presentation titled "Active Learning Using a Desktop Projection Electronic Blackboard System," Associate Professor Emi explained that this system is effective in teaching artisanal skills such as farming, which are not easy for beginners to inherit, and introduced an example of a demonstration experiment in which a strawberry cultivation technique, which generally takes 15 years to master, was acquired in three years.This forum was held at the Sola City Conference Center (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) from October 25 to 27 to bring together educators and researchers who are implementing e-learning to introduce a wealth of case studies and encourage lively discussions in order to actively utilize the ever-evolving ICT for learning in schools and companies.

In April 2017, KCGI newly established the "Media Collaboration Course" in response to expanding learning opportunities for ICT utilization such as e-learning. Associate Professor Emi, together with KCGI part-time lecturer Shinzo Kobayashi of the Vegetable Planet Association and technical staff from Maxell Corporation, is conducting research and development on how to utilize desk projection type electronic blackboard systems in this course, and further applications to e-learning are expected in the future.

Associate Professor Emi explains the desk-top projection electronic blackboard system
Associate Professor Emi explains the desk-top projection electronic blackboard system
Many visitors came to see the exhibition booth.
Many visitors came to see the exhibition booth.
Visitors are actually writing on the projected image.
Visitors actually writing on the projected image

















